Day 1: Stepping into Newness

I thought about making this an open letter to myself. Full of written promises and sweet nothings from me to me, all awhile using You (yes You; the invisible audience and your perception of me) as a way to leverage accountability for myself. To place You at the center of my change and growth would be to perpetuate the same performative cycle I am yet trying to break. My love of validation cannot be deeper than the love I keep for myself. Who’s really the influencer? The love filling my reservoir within must be cycled back into the system, lest the balance be rendered acidic. Seeking balance between all the moving parts.. Considering myself in the process.

So going forward, what does it all mean? This is my informal and formal reintroduction. I’d like to invite you in. Into my mind, a space I hold dear a space full of potential that I have kept mostly tucked away. This blog is my pushback towards leading my life with the pressure of societal social standards. I am that I am and that is many many things but what I shan’t forget that I am Greatness embossed in Light.

(saying it for me, and not for you. What do you need to hear yourself say right now?).

January 1st, 2022, it’s here, that day is here..the day where we are gifted with the bliss of potential, possibility and wonder, for we know not what tomorrow may bring, but today, I choose me.

To choose God is to choose myself I have found. To love Them in spirit and in truth is to truly love myself. Forgetting that we are one is the death I pray to die daily, but instead may my steps be aligned and the path straight. Jesus please make me New, amen.


Day 2: Good Morning