Day 2: Good Morning

It’s just about a quarter to 5 in the morning. In an effort to not go mad and suffer from a deadly cocktail of isolation, monotony and Daylight savings, this winter my body adapted a semi-nocturnal circadian rhythm. Falling asleep just as the sun goes down and causing an early early morning rise. These correspondences from myself to you are crafted in the stillness of night. For some reason I find that the atmosphere is all the more peaceful when majority of the region is (presumably) sleeping; I suppose there is less emotional energy being exuded into the air..

In the spirit of transparency: There was no planning at all with this effort to break my silence. It just simply, happened. I have always struggled with finding my place in the social media world. Its capacity is limitless — my threshold has boundaries. I can’t continue to try to reward myself with 2 seconds of your attention. With this said, no, I am not leaving social media, but I fear that we may never be fully acquainted if the only way was to clamor for the spotlight. My darling, I simply cannot, I just don’t have the energy anymore.

I must find space for myself.

What does finding space for yourself look like?

Consider this digital space my open journal to “the world”. However, it is not the world that will read these words. No, no, thats far too macro, true intimacy is micro. It is, You. Whatever your name is. Before I take this a sentence longer I would like to say,

Good morning, Thank You & Welcome.


Day 2 | pt. 2 |: Emergence


Day 1: Stepping into Newness