Day 57: T-3 days…..Mama taught me

One of the greatest lessons my mother ever taught me, she taught me after she passed. The one thing that I could carry into every situation, into every trial and into every earth shattering heart punch. Something I had all along, but didn't understand the power of it. That if I just focused on it I can bring peace and calm to the rest of my body and regain conscious thought and bring stillness to the rapid heart. She gave up hers and I found the importance of mine. In her absence, I learned how to breathe.


“So, I tell myself, breathe Inger! Just go ahead and breathe... Deep. Not those short, choppy breaths that leave you panting. Breathe slow and deep, one breath at a time. Close your eyes if you must and consider the lilies... They don't toil. Think about the birds, they were a knot. Take in the air and let it saturated, fill up those lungs, then exhale slowly. Again... Do it again. Minutes will turn into hours, and it will be over before you know it.

One slow, deep breath at a time.”

Written by Inger D. Bouldes Copyright © 2016


Day 58: Two more days and then we celebrate.


Day 56: Four days until the circle of life is complete.